Odd Fellows Lodge #1030 – Charleroi, PA


The center link of the three link IOOF chain logo contains an “L” which stands for Love.   Love is one of the basic elements of a true friendship, creating within the individual unselfishness, tenderness, sympathy and understanding.  Brotherly Love hears the cry of humanity and answers its call. Thought of one’s self is pushed aside in answering the call of humanity, in the performance of deeds of goodwill to those less fortunate; assisting in the building of a stronger character; affording the opportunities of education to those who need it; rendering assistance for the physical needs of those less fortunate; uplifting those who are despondent by a cheery word, a smile, a comforting thought and a clasp of hand. Through Brotherly Love, unselfish purposes and generous deeds form a bond of unity, creating an estate wherein no man lives unto himself alone.


A component part of Brotherly Love is the principle of Charity, which provides the means for creating all of the opportunities for greater responsibilities for the betterment of mankind. Without Charity in the journey of life, Brotherly Love would have no meaning and acts of humanity would be non-existent, for there would be no thought of welfare of others, but only selfishness and greed. Our bonds of Unity and Brotherly Love through acts of Charity, bring richness to the principles of Odd Fellowship.


We seek people of good character that believe we can make a difference in our world.  Our Lodge can use your help. The work we want to do is worthwhile and important. The more active members we have, the easier it becomes to do our work and the more we can take on. We invite you to join in that work by becoming a member of the Charleroi Lodge #1030.


The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is a fraternal organization founded upon the principles of Friendship, Love and Truth. These three principles, we believe are essential for the future of our country, our community, our society. Friendship is the strongest bond of our association. .  As a member you are bound to participate with your brothers and sisters to safeguard our members and families in times of adversity and aid those in distress. Love is the link which requires neighborliness to our fellow human beings, which comes only after all hatred, envy and selfishness have been laid aside. Truth is the standard by which we value people. It is the foundation of our society. United together we can make a greater impact on our community than we can as individuals. We hope you will consider joining us in our effort to make a better community and world.

Interested in becoming an Odd Fellow?